Sunday, January 22, 2012

ETEC524: Reflection #1

Developing an educational philosophy forces me to define my beliefs along with the who, what and why of being involved in the field of educational technology. In short, it gives me a starting line. It will help me build up my interests and clarify my passions within ed tech. Hopefully, guiding me to select more meaningful topics on projects.


There are many awesome uses for blogging. The main use for blogging to me is to create community and affirm ones identity. How great is it to find people like you? It is a pretty awesome feeling to know you're not alone. In reference to Downes' article I do not believe we have met the potential of blogging. As I write this I think of how I'd much rather do a video then read all of these words! A step further and I think, why am I still typing and not filming? I think in the field of educational blogs we are still viewing the blogging industry as one dimensional in many cases. Groups like RSA and Ted have began to push the boundaries of spreading ideas via video blogs. Other groups like HigherEd Live and Break Drink hosts real-time web shows, they're also recorded for later viewing, that allow for interaction beyond text. We have to change the culture to encourage individuals to push the boundaries of blogging for education.

In November's article regarding changes in educational technology it stood out to me that he emphasized the need to teach students to be resourceful, to think critically about validating online materials and to use a combination of logic and investigative skills. I completely agree! I tell people all the time, the number one thing I ever learned was to be resourceful. I'm not sure when or how I learned this skill but has paid off. Being able to find and figure out sometimes goes further than knowing.

Below you will find my work-in-progress educational technology philosophy. You can find the text copy here.

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