Monday, June 6, 2011

The next step... inspired by women

Over the past month I have been trying to figure out my next step, path, destination, journey, etc. So naturally I turned to TED for some inspiration. I found three specific speeches that spoke to me. One about a non-profit journey of helping people help themselves, one about using what you know to speak for you and process thoughts and one about women being their own inhibitor.

They say that millennial's unemployment solutions are being solved by creating their own employment opportunities. In other words, being innovative, pushing envelopes and creating their own businesses. They say that millennials do not like being defined and limited to a box or a list of adjectives. They say that we are programmed.

I believe I am programmed to inspire change and be the change I want to see in the world. Thank you Gandhi. I believe that Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO, is on to something when she talks about how there are too few women leaders. That we must start sitting at the table, treating our partners like partners and don't leave before you leave. I am at the point in my life where I'm focusing on sitting at the table.

Ms. Sandberg goes on to talk about characteristics of women leaders versus men leaders and how similar characteristics are perceived differently.

"Success and likability are positively correlated for men and negatively correlated for women." 

This has resonated with me for days now. I find that as a woman I am expected to be feminine, mind my words and sit on the side of the table. Through some specific incidents I find this to be more true in environments where I am an ethic minority as well. So my question is how as a woman am I supposed to be ambitious, vocal and progressive when the result is I'm perceived as a "know-it-all", in-compassionate and political? How do I balance the perceived gender role and my internal desires? Do I have to tap dance to get to the table and then show my true character? 

Originally when I pursued my MBA I looked at it as an opportunity to pursue entrepreneurship within the non-profit sector or high education. I have unlimited ideas on how to create non-traditional education programs to benefit students and the business of higher education. I am bursting at the seams with ideas that at night I find it hard to sleep. Through these three women I am becoming more inspired to create my own small wooden table and someday I can upgrade to a nice big oval polished one. I'm inspired because I know I have what it takes to be successful , I have always know it but the affirmation is the push. Simply, I'm awesome!

See the TED talks which have inspired me lately.

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