Sunday, February 5, 2012

ETEC 524: Reflection #3

I created a Wiki to the Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Marketing and Media practicum/internship program. The Wiki is located here:

I decided to create this wiki to help facilitate progress, organization and communication. The course is set up to where the students have a lot of autonomy after the initial week of class where the projects and schedule are decided upon. I have created pages outlining my expectations of the student, a place for their schedule, a place for them to log their activity/tasks, resources, a place to post their completed work and a place to discuss their projects with other students in the program. Once I add some more details this will become a VERY practical resource for me and I believe that it will assist the students in staying on track during the semester since we don't see each other every day.

Some advantages of the wiki are that everyone can contribute! There is a centralized location for information to cut down on emails and keep everyone on the same page. Disadvantages could be unsolicited contributors or lack of contribution due to poor integration or lack of direction. I have been apart of wiki communities that never seem to flourish and others that are very active and self-sustaining. I despise the term "digital natives". However, as we enter an era of almost exclusive digital communication. With this in mind, Wikis have the ability to bring people together over a distance. As the idea of collaboration no longer means sitting in the same room, town, state, etc. wikis will serve a greater purpose in teamwork and community. The engagement can come from planning, reporting, discussion and other communications. Since wikis are not only text based but can be used with Voicethread chains or YouTube videos as well.

The eLearning tools wiki has some great tools listed. A few I would like to look into are:

DoInk- an animation tool for novices to create videos
YawnBuster- to host interactive presentations with built in polls, games and group exercises. May be a great work tool.
ClockingIT- a free project management tool!!! So excited to look into this. I always wonder where my day goes. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi meghann,

    I love the idea for your wiki and agree with your thoughts on some that flourish and others that flounder. I've been apart of both!
